Kansas Strong for Children and Families
Kansas Strong is a unique collaboration that centers families and activates our state’s key strengths by bringing together agency, court, parent and youth leadership to create meaningful and lasting change in our child welfare system.
Project Description
Kansas Strong is a public-private-university collaborative that includes the Kansas Department for Children and Families; Kansas Family Advisory Network, Parent Partners, Kansas Youth Advisory Council, Kansas Court Improvement Program, Office of Judicial Administration, Kansas Supreme Court Task Force on Permanency Planning, Children’s Alliance, the state’s network of private providers of family preservation and foster care - Cornerstones of Care, DCCCA, KVC Kansas, Saint Francis Ministries, and TFI; and, the University of Kansas.
Kansas Strong is a 5-year cooperative agreement between KU School of Social Welfare and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Children’s Bureau. Kansas is one of five grantees nationally aimed at strengthening child welfare systems to improve outcomes for children and families.
Kansas Strong Numbers
Our Focus
Service Array
Our Strategies
Kansas Strong strategies aim to improve outcomes for children and families by supporting the full continuum of child welfare services and changing practices in both court/legal and agency settings, and to address systemic barriers through a cross-system board of key leaders and stakeholders.
Interagency Advisory Board
Parent/Youth Facilitation
Adoption Tracking Tool
Change the World
Youth Voices from Foster Care
Collaborating Organizations
Kansas Strong Team
Stay in Touch
For more information on Kansas Strong for Children and Families, please contact Project Director and Principle Investigator Becci Akin, PhD, at beccia@ku.edu or email project staff using the link below.