Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD)

PhD candidate smiles at graduation after receiving her PhD hood


PhD students at the KU School of Social Welfare graduate with the critical knowledge and skills they need to become innovative stewards of the discipline. They generate and disseminate knowledge as researchers, scholars and educators.

Get Started

Ready to pursue your doctoral degree in social work at KU? Request a PhD program guide.

PhD Application Timeline

We admit a new social work PhD cohort every other year. The application for the fall 2026 cohort will open in October 2025.
PhD students pose for a group photo

PhD Student Funding

Full-time doctoral students are guaranteed four years of tuition support, as long as the student remains in good standing in the program.

PhD Funding
Aerial view of the KU campus in fall

PhD Degree Requirements  

Through a rigorous curriculum, real-world research experience, and individualized mentoring by world-renowned scholars, KUSSW Doctoral Program graduates develop the knowledge and skills to drive discovery and advance the field of social work. 

PhD Curriculum

Study Social Work at KU

KU's School of Social Welfare offers social work degree programs at undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels: BSW, MSW, DSW and PhD. Learn more.