After Graduation
Social Work Licensing
Social Work licensure questions may be directed to or to your state’s licensure board, linked under Licensing Information by State.
The Practicum Office hosts licensure workshops for KUSSW students in the fall and spring semester. Licensure workshop dates are set by August 1 and posted on the school calendar.
Social Work License Types and Education Requirements
KUSSW is accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE).
KU School of Social Welfare’s BSW and MSW degrees meet the licensure educational requirements for all the U.S. states that license at the Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker (LBSW), Licensed Master Social Worker (LMSW), and the Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW).
Licensure acronyms may vary by state and territory. Not all states and territories license at the LBSW and LMSW levels; Kansas and Missouri do.
States/Territories with an LBSW: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Mississippi, New Mexico, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Utah, Virginia, Washington DC, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming.
States/Territories with an LMSW: All states, but California and New Hampshire license at the generalist-masters level.
Undetermined Licensure Levels in Four U.S. Territories: It is undetermined whether American Samoa, Republic of Marchall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, or Republic of Palau license social workers.
All states license at the “clinical” social work level (LCSW). Among other advanced social work tasks, a LCSW certifies that an individual may practice therapy. It is standard that two years of post-MSW degree supervised practice and passing a social work board exam is required before an LCSW is awarded.
Social Work Licensure Regulations and Statutes
While the KU School of Social Welfare degree meets licensure educational requirements, some states/territories require proof of specific content coverage and an examination, during or post degree attainment.
Note: KU’s licensure programs strive to maintain accurate and up-to-date information the educational requirements for licensure in U.S. states and territories. However, regulations are subject to change and varying interpretations. In addition to possible changes in educational requirements, licensure often includes additional requirements, such as specific examinations and additional training. It is highly recommended that students seek guidance from the appropriate licensing agency before beginning an academic program to ensure they know what is needed to obtain the license/certification/registration in the state in which they intend to practice and/or seek licensure.
For links to state licensure boards, see Licensure Information by State.
Association of Social Work Boards Examination (ASWB)
In addition to educational requirements, most states and territories, require students take the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) examination, correlating to the licensure level. Some states allow students to sit for the ASWB exam before they graduate; others do not.
The Kansas Behavioral Health Regulatory Board allows students to sit for the LBSW or LMSW four months before graduating.
The Missouri Division of Professional Registration allows students to sit for the LBSW or LMSW 90 days before graduating.
KUSSW provides MSW students free access to a social work master’s exam preparation guide in the spring semester before they graduate. Exam study material access codes are administered by the Practicum Office (
To register for the ASWB exam, first complete an application through your state’s licensure board. The board will notify you when you’re approved to sit for the exam.
The Kansas LBSW and LMSW application packet includes the Verification of Academic Requirements Form. KUSSW students should write “SEE KU LIST” on the form. KUSSW students do not need a dean’s signature.
KU MSW Licensing Exam Pass Rates
Licensing Information by State
The U.S. Department of Education requires KUSSW to list of all states/territories where the program “meets” or “does not meet” educational requirements for social work licensure.
(Last reviewed 4/26/2024)
Regulatory Board | Meets Educational Requirements |
Alabama | meets |
Alaska | meets |
American Samoa | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Arizona | meets |
Arkansas | meets |
California | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Colorado | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Connecticut | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Delaware | meets |
District of Columbia | meets |
Federated States of Micronesia. | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Florida | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Georgia | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Guam | meets |
Hawaii | meets |
Idaho | meets |
Illinois | meets |
Indiana | meets |
Iowa | meets |
Kansas | meets |
Kentucky | meets |
Louisiana | meets |
Maine | meets |
Maryland | meets |
Massachusetts | meets |
Michigan | meets |
Minnesota | meets |
Mississippi | meets |
Missouri | meets |
Montana | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Nebraska | meets |
Nevada | meets |
New Hampshire | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
New Jersey | meets |
New Mexico | meets |
New York | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
North Carolina | meets |
North Dakota | meets |
Northern Mariana Islands | meets |
Ohio | meets |
Oklahoma | meets |
Oregon | meets |
Pennsylvania | meets |
Puerto Rico | meets |
Republic of Palau | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Republic of the Marshall Islands. | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Rhode Island | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
South Carolina | meets |
South Dakota | meets |
Tennessee | meets |
Texas | meets |
U.S. Virgin Islands | meets |
Utah | meets |
Vermont | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Virginia | meets |
Washington | does not meet/does not have an LBSW |
Washington D.C. | meets |
West Virginia | meets |
Wisconsin | meets |
Wyoming | meets |
Regulatory Board | Meets Educational Requirements |
Alabama | meets |
Alaska | meets |
Arizona | meets |
Arkansas | meets |
California | does not meet/does not have an LMSW |
Colorado | meets |
Connecticut | meets |
Delaware | meets |
District of Columbia | meets |
Florida | meets |
Georgia | meets |
Hawaii | meets |
Idaho | meets |
Illinois | meets |
Indiana | meets |
Iowa | meets |
Kansas | meets |
Kentucky | meets |
Louisiana | meets |
Maine | meets |
Maryland | meets |
Massachusetts | meets |
Michigan | meets |
Missouri | meets |
Minnesota | meets |
Mississippi | meets |
Montana | meets |
Nebraska | meets |
Nevada | meets |
New Hampshire | does not meet/does not have an LMSW |
New Jersey | meets |
New Mexico | meets |
New York | meets |
North Carolina | meets |
North Dakota | meets |
Ohio | meets |
Oklahoma | meets |
Oregon | meets |
Pennsylvania | meets |
Rhode Island | meets |
South Carolina | meets |
South Dakota | meets |
Tennessee | meets |
Texas | meets |
Utah | meets |
Vermont | meets |
Virginia | meets |
Washington | meets |
West Virginia | meets |
Wisconsin | meets |
Wyoming | meets |
Washington D.C. | meets |
Guam | meets |
Northern Mariana Islands | meets |
Puerto Rico | meets |
American Samoa | does not meet |
Republic of the Marshall Islands. | does not meet |
Federated States of Micronesia. | does not meet |
Republic of Palau | does not meet |
U.S. Virgin Islands | meets |
Regulatory Board | Meets Educational Requirements |
Alabama | meets |
Alaska | meets |
Arizona | meets |
Arkansas | meets |
California | meets |
Colorado | meets |
Connecticut | meets |
Delaware | meets |
District of Columbia | meets |
Florida | meets |
Georgia | meets |
Hawaii | meets |
Idaho | meets |
Illinois | meets |
Indiana | meets |
Iowa | meets |
Kansas | meets |
Kentucky | meets |
Louisiana | meets |
Maine | meets |
Maryland | meets |
Massachusetts | meets |
Michigan | meets |
Missouri | meets |
Minnesota | meets |
Mississippi | meets |
Montana | meets |
Nebraska | meets |
Nevada | meets |
New Hampshire | meets |
New Jersey | meets |
New Mexico | meets |
New York | meets |
North Carolina | meets |
North Dakota | meets |
Ohio | meets |
Oklahoma | meets |
Oregon | meets |
Pennsylvania | meets |
Rhode Island | meets |
South Carolina | meets |
South Dakota | meets |
Tennessee | meets |
Texas | meets |
Utah | meets |
Vermont | meets |
Virginia | meets |
Washington | meets |
West Virginia | meets |
Wisconsin | meets |
Wyoming | meets |
Washington D.C. | meets |
Guam | meets |
Northern Mariana Islands | meets |
Puerto Rico | meets |
American Samoa | does not meet |
Republic of the Marshall Islands. | does not meet |
Federated States of Micronesia. | does not meet |
Republic of Palau | does not meet |
U.S. Virgin Islands | meets |
Licensing Prep Events

Career Services
The University Career Center (UCC) offers career advising, career fairs, job search training and a professional clothing closet. Explore Career Center resources and job opportunities in social work.
KU Career Center: Social Work
Our alumni make significant contributions toward improving the lives of vulnerable people. Often, their work happens behind the scenes. Read alumni spotlights to find out how Jayhawk Social Workers are changing lives.
Alumni Stories