Civic Engagement
Resources to Get Involved
Explore civic engagement resources, including a guide to advocacy organizations and resources to support voter education, registration and participation.

Advocacy Resources
The handbook to Social Justice & Human Rights Organizations (.pdf) is a resource for social workers to find resources for a wide range of social activism, advocacy and community development topics.
Created by Associate Professor Ed Scanlon and 2024 MSW graduate Rachel O'Flannagan, the handbook provides a centralized list of advocacy organizations, and includes information about national, regional, state and local activities.
More Advocacy Resources for Social Workers
Voting is Social Work
Voting is Social Work — a project of the University of Connecticut School of Social Work — is a “nonpartisan campaign that provides social workers with the knowledge and tools to raise awareness about voting and to increase voting registration and participation.”
Civic Engagement at KU
Civic engagement programs at KU include:
- KU is an ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge participant campus
- KU has signed onto ALL IN’s Presidents’ commitment to full student voter participation
- KU retains the Carnegie Foundation's Classification for Community Engagement
- Civic Engagement Ambassadors work with the KU Center for Service Learning to champion civic engagement in their department. Melinda Lewis, professor of practice, is the Civic Engagement Ambassador for the KU School of Social Welfare.