2021 Research Highlight

The 2020-2021 academic year continued to be a time of unprecedented circumstances and challenges as the COVID-19 pandemic persisted. However, in the KU School of Social Welfare, we continued to pursue our goal of conducting scholarship and research that impacts the social work knowledge base and transforms practice and policy. Researchers came up with innovative ways of continuing vital research activities and serving our partners, while also taking opportunities to document and elevate the experiences and lessons of the pandemic for students, researchers, and community members.
This Research Highlight provides a glimpse into the innovative, community-based scholarship conducted by the School’s faculty, research staff, and students during the last year. Included are project spotlights, listings of publications and presentations, and an overview of our research centers. The connections between the researcher’s expertise and the Grand Challenges for Social Work are also highlighted.
This work would not be possible without our many sponsors and community partners, and so we thank them for engaging in this important work with us. We hope that our scholarship provides you with new knowledge, resources, or ideas that are applicable for your own work. We would love to hear from you or collaborate with you in the future!
Michelle Mohr Carney, PhD, MSSA
Dean and Professor
KU School of Social Welfare
Amy N. Mendenhall, Ph.D
Associate Dean for Research & Faculty Development, Professor, Director,
Center for Community Engagement & Collaboration