Carrie Wendel-Hummell

- Research Project Director
- Landon Center on Aging Associate Member
- AY24-25 CAHE Co-Director
Contact Info
Education —
Research —
Carrie Wendel-Hummell, PhD, is a Principal Investigator and Research Project Director in the KU School of Social Welfare.
Her research interests include aging, disability, caregiving, and the Medicaid Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) program. She is a qualitative methodologist with a long history of working with interdisciplinary teams on applied, mixed-methods projects.
Recent projects have included working with the state to develop new HCBS assessment tools, examining the HCBS system response to COVID-19, and partnering with the Life Span Institute to examine HCBS waiting lists in Kansas. Currently Dr. Wendel-Hummell is working on several projects to strengthen the Direct Support Workforce in Kansas.
She is the PI on projects to develop a statewide training and career ladder for this workforce. She is also a partner on a KUMC project to strengthen the geriatric direct support workforce.