Michelle Mohr Carney

Michelle Mohr Carney
  • Dean
  • Professor

Contact Info

308E Green Hall


Ph.D., The Ohio State University


Intimate partner violence, at-risk youth, community practice, nonprofit development and management, program development and evaluation, leadership development, collaboration building and conflict resolution, grant writing, strategic planning.

Selected Publications

Carney, M. (2015). Forensic Social Work with Women Who Use Violence in Intimate Relationships [Book Chapters]. In K. Corcoran & J. Ashford (Eds.), Social Workers’ Desk Reference (3rd Edition). Oxford Press.
Barner, J. R., & Carney, M. (2015). Intimate Partner Violence, Gender and Lethality: A Case Analysis of Two Fatalities [Journal Articles]. Journal of Forensic Social Work, 5(1–3), 150–166.
Carney, M. (2014). Summative Evaluation Report [Reports]. Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program, PEAK.
Carney, M. (2014). Formative Evaluation Report [Reports]. Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program. PEAK.
Carney, M., & Young, P. (2014). Attachment Theory [Book Chapters]. In K. Sowers, C. Dulmus, & B. Thyer (Eds.), The comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare: Volume 2 Human behavior in the social environment. Wiley.
Barner, J., & Carney, M. (2014). Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence: A Historical Review [Book Chapters]. In L. Ross (Ed.), Continuing the war against domestic violence (2nd Edition). CRC Press.
Carney, M. (2013). Summative Evaluation Report [Reports]. Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program. PEAK.
Carney, M. (2013). Formative Evaluation Report [Reports]. Department of Education, 21st Century Community Learning Centers Program. PEAK.
Okech, D., Barner, J., Segoshi, M., & Carney, M. (2012). MSW student experiences in on-line vs. face- to-face teaching formats [Journal Articles]. Social Work Education: The International Journal. Published. https://doi.org/10.1080/02615479.2012.738661
Carney, M., & Barner, J. R. (2012). Prevalence of partner abuse: Rates of emotional abuse and control [Journal Articles]. Partner Abuse, 3(3), 286–335.
Carney, M. (2011). Final Evaluation Report, Administration for Children and Families 2009 Stimulus grant funding [Reports]. Building Community Services That Grow Local Economies.
Barner, J., & Carney, M. (2011). Interventions for Intimate Partner Violence: A Historical Review [Journal Articles]. Journal of Family Violence, 26(3), 235–244.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2009). Examining the impact of hurricane Katrina on police responses to domestic violence [Journal Articles]. Traumatology, 15, 6–9.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2008). A large sample investigation of batterer intervention program attrition: Evaluating the impact of state program standards [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 18, 177–188.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2008). Afro-Centric intervention [Book Chapters]. In C. Renzetti & J. Edleson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Violence. Sage.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2008). Attachment Theory [Book Chapters]. In K. Sowers, C. Dulmus, & B. Thyer (Eds.), The comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare: Volume 2 Human behavior in the social environment. Wiley.
Carney, M., & Roberts, A. (2008). Forensic Social Work with Female Batterers: Assessment, Treatment, and Outcome Measures [Book Chapters]. In Social Workers’ Desk Reference (2nd Edition). Oxford Press.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2008). Moral Development [Book Chapters]. In K. Sowers, C. Dulmus, & B. Thyer (Eds.), The comprehensive handbook of social work and social welfare: Volume 2 Human behavior in the social environment. Wiley.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2007). Emerging trends in batterer intervention programming: Equipping forensic workers for effective practice [Book Chapters]. In A. Roberts & D. Springer (Eds.), Handbook of Forensic Mental Health with Victims and Offenders: Assessment, Treatment and Research. Springer.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2007). How to prepare MSW students to address domestic violence occurring in family systems: A research note [Journal Articles]. Arete, 30, 75–85.
Carney, M., Buttell, F., & Dutton, D. (2007). Women who perpetrate intimate partner violence: A review of the literature with recommendations for treatment [Journal Articles]. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 12, 108–115.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2006). A large sample evaluation of a court mandated batterer intervention program: Investigating differential program effect for African-American and Caucasian men [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 16, 121–131.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2006). An evaluation of a court mandated batterer intervention program: Investigating differential program effect for African-American and Caucasian women [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 16, 571–581.
Buttell, F., Carney, M., & Miller, M. (2006). Empowering battered women by validating their decision- making skills: The role of moral development [Journal Articles]. Journal of Social Service Research, 32, 157–170.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2006). Exploring the relevance of interpersonal dependency as a treatment issue in batterer intervention [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 16, 276–286.
Carney, M., Buttell, F., & Muldoon, J. (2006). Predictors of batterer intervention program attrition: Developing and implementing logistic regression models [Journal Articles]. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 43, 35–54.
(2006). Women who perpetrate relationship violence: Moving beyond political correctness (F. Buttell & M. Carney, Eds.) [Books]. Haworth Press.
Buttell, F., Muldoon, J., & Carney, M. (2005). An application of attachment theory to court mandated batterers [Journal Articles]. Journal of Family Violence, 20, 211–217.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2005). Do batterer intervention programs serve African-American and Caucasian batterers equally well? An investigation of a 26-week program [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 15, 19–28.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2005). Exploring the relevance of Attachment Theory as a dependent variable in the treatment of women mandated into treatment for domestic violence offenses [Journal Articles]. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 41, 33–61.
(2005). Women who perpetrate relationship violence: Moving beyond political correctness [Journal Articles]. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation. Special Edition Focusing on Domestically Violent Women, 2004-2005, 41, 1–124.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2004). A multidimensional assessment of a batterer treatment program: An alert to a problem? [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 14, 93–101.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2004). A multidimensional evaluation of a treatment program for female batterers: A pilot study [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 14, 249–258.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2004). Psychological and demographic predictors of treatment attrition among women assaulters [Journal Articles]. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 38, 7–25.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2003). Predicting attrition to prevent gaps in serving juvenile offenders [Journal Articles]. Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, 37, 67–79.
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2003). Reducing juvenile recidivism: Evaluating the wraparound services model [Journal Articles]. Research on Social Work Practice, 13, 551–568.
Wolfer, T., Carney, M., & Ward, J. (2002). Acquiring videoconferencing technology to enhance the field work experience [Journal Articles]. Journal of Technology in Human Services, 19, 43–63.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2002). Client satisfaction among parents attending a mandatory divorce education program:  Results from a five year study [Journal Articles]. Arete, 26, 12–20.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2002). Psychological and demographic predictors of attrition among batterers court-ordered into treatment [Journal Articles]. Social Work Research, 26, 31–41.
Carney, M., & Ginsberg, L. (2001). Experimental research designs in evaluation [Book Chapters]. In Social Work Evaluation: Principles and Methods. Allyn & Bacon.
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2001). Treatment Provider Awareness of the Possible Impact of the Internet on the Treatment of Sex Offenders: An Alert to a Problem [Journal Articles]. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 10, 117–125.
Mellinger, M., & Carney, M. (submitted/in review). An examination of the Individual Constructs of Interpersonal Dependency in Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence Court Ordered to Treatment [Journal Articles]. Forensic Social Work.
Mellinger, M., & Carney, M. (accepted/in press). Interpersonal Dependency Constructs and Male Perpetrators of Intimate Partner Violence [Journal Articles]. Journal of Forensic Social Work.
Carney, M. (in preparation/progress; not yet submitted). Intimate Violence Perpetrators: Does gender matter? [Other].
Carney, M., & Meehan, J. (in preparation/progress; not yet submitted). Nonprofit Organizational Capacity: An evaluation of the impact of training and individualized technical assistance [Other].
Young, S., Crawford, K., & Carney, M. (in preparation/progress; not yet submitted). Perceptions of “Cyber-Stalking” among Young Adults: A Qualitative Study [Other].

Selected Presentations

Mohr Carney, M. (9/10/2015). Board Development, Roles and Responsibilities. New Life Society
Mohr Carney, M. (3/18/2015). Board/Staff Development. New Life Society
Carney, M., & Meehan, J. (11/30/2014). Increasing Nonprofit Organizational Capacity: An Evaluation of the Impact of Training and Individualized Technical Assistance. Association for Nonprofit Research and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA) Annual Conference. Denver, CO
Mohr Carney, M. (12/3/2013). Grant Writing. Habersham County Chamber of Commerce
Mohr Carney, M. (7/10/2013). The Cottage. Board of Directors Development
Mohr Carney, M. (3/25/2013). Nonprofit Careers Panel. UGA
Motlagh, A. S., Carney, M. M., & Smith, M. L. (3/11/2013). The importance of interdisciplinary collaborations: Mapping Coastal Georgia’s social and health services assets. Poster presented at the Georgia Public Health Association Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA
Mohr Carney, M. (2/10/2013). Books for Keeps. Board of Directors Development/Training
Mohr Carney, M. (11/8/2012). Grant Writing. Sumter County Chamber of Commerce
Tetloff, M., & Carney, M. (10/31/2012). Assessing the Role of the Professional Organizer within Sustainable Engagement. Paper presentation. 13th Annual National Outreach Scholarship Conference. Tuscaloosa, AL
Mohr Carney, M. (3/3/2012). Working in the Public Interest (WIPI) Conference. Panel Moderator, University of Georgia School of Law
Mohr Carney, M. (2/27/2012). Interpersonal Violence Speaker. University of Georgia School of Social Work
Mohr Carney, M. (12/15/2011). IPV and Mediation. Fanning Institute
Mohr Carney, M. (11/11/2011). Grant Writing. Hart County Library
Mohr Carney, M. (7/21/2011). Program Evaluation. Clayton County
Mohr Carney, M. (5/18/2011). Organizational Identity/Strategic Planning. Greene County
Mohr Carney, M. (5/13/2011). Program Evaluation. Athens Area Council on Aging
Mohr Carney, M. (5/6/2011). Program Evaluation. Athens Area Council on Aging
Mohr Carney, M. (4/27/2011). Developing Logic Models. ACTION, Inc
Mohr Carney, M. (4/14/2011). Organizational Identity Session. Greene County Welcome Center
Mohr Carney, M. (4/29/2011). Program Evaluation. Athens Area Council on Aging
Mohr Carney, M. (4/18/2011). Using Interns Effectively. Fanning Institute
Mohr Carney, M. (2/18/2011). Program Evaluation. Athens Area Council on Aging
Mohr Carney, M. (2/11/2011). Program Evaluation. Athens Area Council on Aging
Mohr Carney, M. (2/4/2011). Program Evaluation. Athens Area Council on Aging
Mohr Carney, M. (11/18/2010). Building Community Capacity through Grant Collaborations. Georgia Center for Nonprofits
Mohr Carney, M. (11/17/2010). Grant Writing. Athens Area Council on Aging
Mohr Carney, M. (10/29/2010). Program Evaluation. Athens/Clarke Solid Waste Facility
Mohr Carney, M. (10/22/2010). Program Evaluation. Athens/Clarke Solid Waste Facility
Mohr Carney, M. (10/15/2010). Program Evaluation. Athens/Clarke Solid Waste Facility
Mohr Carney, M. (9/29/2010). Understanding the Educational Ecosystem through the Lens of Systems Theory: Process Improvements for Greater Collaborative. Newell Rubbermaid Investing in the Community
Mohr Carney, M. (5/6/2010). Program Evaluation. Athens/Clarke Water Resource Center
Mohr Carney, M. (3/5/2010). Grant Writing. Athens/Clarke County Solid Waste Facility
Mohr Carney, M. (3/31/2010). Nonprofit Careers Panel. UGA
Mohr Carney, M. (11/2/2009). Nonprofit Careers Panel. UGA
Mohr Carney, M. (8/7/2009). Grant Writing Seminar. Clayton County
Carney, M. (6/30/2009). Female Partner Violence Offenders: Current Research and Practice Implications. Presenter at the From Ideology to Inclusion 2009: New Directions in Domestic Violence Research and Interventions Conference. Los Angeles, CA
Mohr Carney, M. (4/10/2009). CEO Evaluation Training. Georgia Center for Nonprofits
Mohr Carney, M. (3/16/2009). Nonprofits in the US, Maassai Women from Kenya. Carl Vinson Institute
Carney, M. (2/28/2006). Do Batterer Intervention Programs Serve African-American and Caucasian Batterers Equally Well?. Paper presented at the 52nd Annual Program meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. Chicago, IL
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (1/31/2006). A large sample investigation of a batter intervention program: Investigating differential program effect for African-American and Caucasian men. Paper presented at the 10th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research. San Antonio, TX
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (1/31/2003). Reducing Juvenile Recidivism: Evaluating the Wraparound Services Model. Society for Social Work and Research. Washington, DC
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (2/28/2002). Predictors of Attrition Among Batterers Court-Ordered into Treatment. Council on Social Work Education 48th Annual Program Meeting. Nashville, TN
Carney, M., & Buttell, F. (2/28/2002). Serving Juvenile Offenders: Predicting Attrition to Prevent Service Gaps. Council on Social Work Education 48th Annual Program Meeting. Nashville, TN
Buttell, F., & Carney, M. (1/31/2002). Psychological and Demographic Predictors of Attrition Among Court-Ordered Batterers. Society for Social Work and Research. San Diego, CA
Wolfer, T., Carney, M., & Ward, J. (1/31/2001). Reconceptualizing the Field Liaison Role: Enhancing Student Learning with Video Conferencing Technology. Society for Social Work and Research. Atlanta, GA
Farber, N., Carney, M., & Kelly, B. (11/30/2000). Practical and Ethical Dilemmas of Diversity for Practice in a Rural Southern Setting. Diversity Conference Social Work Practice. Atlanta, GA
Carney, M., Wolfer, T., & Ward, J. (10/31/2000). Reconceptualizing the Field Liaison Role: Enhancing Student Learning with Video Conferencing Technology. Baccalaureate Program Directors Meeting. Destin, FL
Bronson, D., & Carney, M. (7/31/2000). The Importance of Establishing Intervention Integrity in Program and Practice Evaluation: Two Case Examples. Evaluation for Practice International Conference. West Yorkshire, England
Carney, M., & Bronson, D. (1/31/2000). Predicting Recidivism for Juvenile Delinquents. Society for Social Work Research. Charleston, SC
Wolfer, T., Carney, M., & Ward, J. (1/31/2000). “What do Y’all Talk About?”: Assessing and Improving the Content of Field Liaison Visits. Society for Social Work Research. Charleston, SC
Wolfer, T., Carney, M., & Ward, J. (9/30/1999). Acquiring Video Conferencing Technology to Enhance the Field Work Experience. Third Annual Technology Conference for Social Work Education and Practice. Charleston, SC
Carney, M., & Bronson, D. (1/31/1998). Wraparound Services for Juvenile Delinquent Youth: Practice Implications. International Conference on Research for Social Work Practice. North Miami, FL
Bronson, D., & Carney, M. (3/31/1997). Wraparound Services for Juvenile Delinquent Youth: An Empirical Evaluation. Forty-third Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. Chicago, IL
Carney, M., & Bronson, D. (2/28/1996). An Evaluation of Wraparound Services for Juvenile Delinquents: Preliminary Findings. Forty-second Annual Program Meeting of the Council on Social Work Education. Washington, DC
Bronson, D., Baird, P., Carney, M., Clapp, J., Irby, M., & Skeels, J. (2/28/1996). The Challenge of Providing Program Development and Outcome Evaluation. Fourteenth Annual Conference of the Ohio Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Toledo, Ohio

Awards & Honors

Teacher of the Year
Master of Arts, Nonprofit Management, University of Georgia
2011 - 2014
Graduation Speaker – August Commencement
School of Social Work, University of Georgia
Public Service and Outreach (PSO) Fellow
Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach, University of Georgia
Teacher of the Year
School of Social Work Doctoral Program, University of Georgia
2010 - 2011
Teacher of the Year
Master of Arts, Nonprofit Management, University of Georgia
2007 - 2009
Graduation Speaker – May Commencement
School of Social Work, University of Georgia
Educator of the Year
College of Social Work, University of South Carolina
1999 - 2004
Graduation Speaker – May Commencement
College of Social Work, University of South Carolina

Grants & Other Funded Activity

Title IV-E. Arizona Department of Child Safety. Child Welfare Training Program (BSW/MSW).. $6500000.00. (7/1/2016 - 6/30/2017). Other States. Status: Funded
Title IV-E. Arizona Department of Child Safety. Child Welfare Training Program (BSW/MSW).. $6500000.00. (7/1/2015 - 6/30/2016). Other States. Status: Funded
Administration for Children and Families 2009 Stimulus grant funding. Building Community Services That Grow Local Economies. $1,000,000 awarded to partnership of lead agencies - ACTION, Inc., Institute for Nonprofit Organizations, and Community Connections, Inc.. $1000000.00. (10/1/2009 - 10/31/2011). Other States. Status: Funded. Institute for Nonprofit Organizations awarded $72,000.
Scholarship of Engagement. Office of Public Service and Outreach, University of Georgia. Creating an on-line community for nonprofit organizations.. $5500.00. (9/1/2009 - 9/30/2010). Other University. Status: Funded