Joonmo Kang

- Assistant Professor
- Co-Director, Toni Johnson Scholars Program
Contact Info
Education —
Climate justice; Disaster; Ecosocial work; Ethnographic methods
Selected Publications —
Kang, J. (2024). “Every day is a disaster”: Climate vulnerabilities and disaster subculture of jjokbang‐chon in Seoul, Korea and its implications for social work. International Journal of Social Welfare.
Kang, J., Lesorogol, C., & Fabbre, V. (2024). Beyond Disposable Social Work and Towards Ecosocial Work: An Ethnographic Case Study of Jjokbang-chon in Seoul, S. Korea. Critical Social Work, 25(1).
Kang, J., Fabbre, V. D., & Ekenga, C. C. (2019). “Let’s talk about the real issue”: Localized perceptions of environment and implications for ecosocial work practice. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 317-333.
Kang, J. & Hong, B.E. (2015). Community currency in Korea: How do we envision community currency? International Journal of Community Currency Research, 19(D) 72-80.
Awards & Honors —
Korean American Social Work Educators Association, Dissertation Proposal Award
Brown School International Dissertation Award ($7000)
Korea Safety Health Environment (SHE) Foundation Research Fellowship ($24,000)
Brown School Excellence in Doctoral Research Award
McDonnell International Academy Scholar Fellowship
Korea Military Academy (KMA) Faculty Research Grant ($1200)
KMA Superintendent’s Commendation for Excellence in Teaching