Joonmo Kang

Joonmo Kang
  • Assistant Professor

Contact Info

116 Twente Hall


B.A., Washington University in St. Louis, 2009
M.A. in Social Welfare, Seoul National University, 2012
Ph.D. in Social Work, Washington University in St. Louis, 2022


Climate justice; Disaster; Ecosocial work; Ethnographic methods


Selected Publications

Kang, J. (2024). “Every day is a disaster”: Climate vulnerabilities and disaster subculture of jjokbang‐chon in Seoul, Korea and its implications for social work. International Journal of Social Welfare.

Kang, J., Lesorogol, C., & Fabbre, V. (2024). Beyond Disposable Social Work and Towards Ecosocial Work: An Ethnographic Case Study of Jjokbang-chon in Seoul, S. Korea. Critical Social Work25(1).

Kang, J., Fabbre, V. D., & Ekenga, C. C. (2019). “Let’s talk about the real issue”: Localized perceptions of environment and implications for ecosocial work practice. Journal of Community Practice, 27(3-4), 317-333.

Kang, J. & Hong, B.E. (2015). Community currency in Korea: How do we envision community currency? International Journal of Community Currency Research, 19(D) 72-80.


Awards & Honors

Korean American Social Work Educators Association, Dissertation Proposal Award


Brown School International Dissertation Award ($7000)


Korea Safety Health Environment (SHE) Foundation Research Fellowship ($24,000)


Brown School Excellence in Doctoral Research Award


McDonnell International Academy Scholar Fellowship


Korea Military Academy (KMA) Faculty Research Grant ($1200)


KMA Superintendent’s Commendation for Excellence in Teaching