Jason Matejkowski

 Jason Matejkowski
  • Associate Dean for Academic Programs
  • Professor
  • AY24-25 CAHE Co-Director

Contact Info

306E Green Hall


Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 2010
MSW, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2002
B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1994


  • Mental illnesses and involvement with the criminal legal system
  • Community participation among persons with a mental illness
  • Community corrections                                       
  • Integrated mental health service models

Selected Publications

Matejkowski, J. & *Wright, K., (2024). Mental health in forensic settings. In, The Handbook of Forensic Social Work Practice. Whitehill-Bolton, K., Natale, A.P., & McLeod, D.A. (Eds.) Chicago, IL: Oxford.
Buller, C., Levy, Matejkowski, J. M., Carr, K., Busenhart, C.A., Peterson, J., and Paramesh, C., (2023) In-person and virtual delivery of a multigenerational, unfolding case study to support student learning and skill development in interprofessional collaboration. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 31, Article 100616

Matejkowski, J. (2021). Challenges to employing shared decision making with adults under community supervision who have a mental illness. Frontiers in Psychiatry

  • Invited; Special issue on Mental Health and Criminal Justice: Bridging the Gap

Robertson, A.D., Crowl, A.N., Matejkowski, J., Levy, M., Boyd, C., Barnes, J.; & Shrader, S. (2021) Use of a warm handoff interprofessional simulation to model asynchronous and patient-centered teamwork. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, 22, Article 100410.

Matejkowski, J. & Ostermann, M. (2021). The waiving of parole consideration by people with mental illness who are incarcerated and recidivism outcomes. Criminal Justice and Behavior 48, 1052-1071

Matejkowski, J. & Severson, M. (2020). Predictors of shared decision making with people who have a serious mental illness and who are under justice supervision in the community. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, 70, Article 101568

Han, W., Matejkowski, J., & Lee, S. (2020). Racial variation in mental health court experiences and the associations of these experiences with recidivism. Criminal Justice and Behavior 47, 808-828

Matejkowski, J., Han, W., & Conrad, A.* (2020). Voluntariness of treatment, mental health service utilization, and quality of life among mental health court participants. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 26, 185-197

Matejkowski, J. (2019). Mental health courts. In, Oxford Bibliographies in Criminology. B.M. Huebner (Ed.). New York: Oxford University Press

  • Commissioned

Matejkowski, J., Lee S., & Severson, M. (2018). Validation of a tool to measure attitudes among community corrections officers toward shared decision making with formerly incarcerated persons with mental illness. Criminal Justice & Behavior 45, 612-627

Choi, S., Lee, S., & Matejkowski, J. (2018). The effects of state Medicaid expansion on low-income individuals’ access to health care: Multilevel modeling. Population Health Management 21, 235-244

Matejkowski, J. (2017). The moderating effects of antisocial personality disorder on the relationship between serious mental illness and types of prison infractions. The Prison Journal 97, 202-223

*Nam, E., Matejkowski, J., & Lee S. (2017). Racial/ethnic differences in contemporaneous use of mental health and substance use treatment among individuals experiencing both mental illness and substance use disorders. Psychiatric Quarterly 88, 185-198

Matejkowski, J., *Conrad, A., & Ostermann, M. (2017). Does early onset of criminal behavior differentiate for whom serious mental illness has a direct or indirect effect on recidivism? Law and Human Behavior 41, 68-79

Lee, S., Matejkowski, J., & Han, W. (2017). Racial-ethnic variation in mental health service utilization among people with a major affective disorder and a criminal history. Community Mental Health Journal 53, 8-14

*Nam, E., Matejkowski, J., & Lee S. (2016). Criminal justice contact and treatment utilization among people with mental illness and substance use disorders. Psychiatric Services 10, 1149-1151

Lee, S., & Matejkowski, J. (2016). Associations between comorbid health conditions and the use of mental health services among adults with bipolar disorder. Social Work in Health Care 55, 28-40

Selected Presentations

Matejkowski, J. & Wright, K.* (2021, November). Forensic mental health social work with adults who have criminal justice system contact. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL.

Matejkowski, J. (2020, January). Shared decision making in community corrections. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

Han, W., Matejkowski, J., and Lee, S. (2019, January). Racial variation in effects of mental health court experience on recidivism. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA.

*Conrad, A., Han, W., and Matejkowski, J. (2018, November). An examination of the relationships among mental health court participation, perceived voluntariness of treatment, service utilization, and quality of life. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA.

Matejkowski, J. & Severson, M. E. (2018, January). Predictors of shared decision-making with people who have a serious mental illness and who are under justice supervision in the community. Society for Social Work Research Annual Conference. Washington, DC.

*Conrad, A. and Matejkowski, J. (2017, November). Mental health courts selection criteria and recidivism: A systematic review. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.

*Conrad, A., Matejkowski, J., and Ostermann, M. (2016, November). Does juvenile criminal onset distinguish among offenders whose criminal behavior is directly or indirectly related to the presence of a serious mental illness? American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Matejkowski, J., *Nam, E., and Lee, S. (2016, November). National findings on contemporaneous use of mental health and substance use treatment services among justice-involved adults experiencing mental illness and substance use disorders. American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA.

Matejkowski, J. (2016, August). For whom does SMI directly or indirectly relate to criminal behavior? The Twenty-third NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research.

Awards & Honors

Suzanne and Harry Statland Award for Excellence in Research and Scholarship, 2022

Future Leaders in Social Work Education Program 
National Association of Deans and Directors of Schools of Social Work, 2022

Senior Administrative Fellows Program
University of Kansas, 2020 – 2021

Gene A. and Gretchen Budig Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2019

NIMH New Investigators Workshop
Bethesda, MD, August, 2016

Finalist for the H.O.P.E (Honor for the Outstanding Progressive Educator) Award, 2015


Shepherd, Sara (March 19, 2018), DA’s new women-only diversion program aims to close ‘revolving door of incarceration’ fueled by addiction. Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, KS, USA. Lawrence Journal World Article

Khazan, Olga (October 14, 2017), Why better mental-health care won't stop mass shootings. The Atlantic, Washington, DC, USA. The Atlantic article

Jones, Elvyn (September 13, 2017), Douglas County Commission schedules series of work sessions on jail expansion, mental health crisis center. Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, KS, USA. Lawrence Journal World article

Jones, Elvyn (July 6, 2016), Mental health court test run, funding needs discussed at Douglas County Commission work session. Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, KS, USA. Lawrence Journal World Article

Jones, Elvyn (June 29, 2016), Report: Council should look at ways to reduce incarceration for misdemeanors and disproportionate jailing of minorities. Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, KS, USA. Lawrence Journal World article

Jones, Elvyn (May 10, 2016), Criminal justice expert says Douglas County following right script to reduce incarceration rates among mentally ill, substance abusers. Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, KS, USA. Lawrence Journal World article

Jones, Elvyn (April 20, 2016), County commissioners to Justice Matters representatives: Let Criminal Justice Coordinating Council make its own decisions. Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, KS, USA. Lawrence Journal World article

Valverde, Rochelle (November 2, 2015), Douglas County officials, public discuss mental health support, jail expansion. Lawrence Journal World, Lawrence, KS, USA. Lawrence Journal World article

Exoo, Christian (May 28, 2014), Elliot Rodger and the NRA myth: How the gun lobby scapegoats mental illness. Salon, New York, NY, USA. Salon article

Kopel, David (December 18, 2012), Guns, Mental Illness and Newtown. The Wall Street Journal, New York, NY, USA. The Wall Street Journal article

Torrey, Fuller E. (June 9, 2008), Compassion, Compulsion and the Mentally Ill. The Wall Street Journal, New York, NY, USA. The Wall Street Journal article

Grants & Other Funded Activity

Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Levy; $1,865,242; funded)
6 M01HP31360-04-01
From HRSA's Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program in support of KUSSW's Integrated Health Scholars Program to expand the number of social work professionals working with persons in rural, vulnerable, and medically underserved communities.

Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Levy; $1,849,000; funded)
1 M01HP313600100From HRSA's Behavioral Health Workforce Education and Training Program in support of KUSSW's Integrated Health Scholars Program to expand the number of social work professionals working with persons in rural, vulnerable, and medically underserved communities.

Principal Investigator ($65,692; funded)
Douglas County Kansas funded consultation for development and evaluation of mental health court, crisis intervention center and Criminal Justice Coordinating Council. 

Principal Investigator ($34,000; total award: $199,000; funded)
Submitted to the Bureau of Justice Assistance's Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program. To support evaluation of jail diversion efforts targeting adults with serious mental illness in Douglas County Kansas. Subcontract.

Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Severson; $46,799; funded)
Douglas County Kansas funded consultation for incarceration alternatives; development of mental health court and crisis intervention center; consideration of proposed environmental and physical modifications in Douglas County Correctional Facility.

Co-Principal Investigator (PI: Severson; $25,000; funded)
Treanor Architects for Douglas County Manager and Douglas County Sheriff to explore arrest and incarceration alternatives and consider proposed environmental and physical modifications in the Douglas County Jail.

Principal Investigator ($8,000; funded)
From the University of Kansas New Faculty General Research Fund to explore the acceptability among community corrections professionals of employing the Good Lives Model of offender rehabilitation with offenders who have serious mental illness.



Promotion, Retention, and Tenure Committee, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
Elected Member
2019 –
Co-Chair 2019 – 2021

Faculty Executive Committee, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
Elected Member
2015 – 2016, 2016 – 2019
2018 – 2019

Curriculum Innovation Committee, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
Elected Member
2018 – 2019

Awards Committee, University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
Elected Member
2014 – 2017, 2017 – 2020
2015 – 2016, 2018 – 2020

Summer Research Doctoral Fellowship Selection Committee,
University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
2014 – 2015

Dissertation Fellowship Selection Committee,
University of Kansas School of Social Welfare

BSW Committee,
University of Kansas School of Social Welfare
2012 – 2019


Dean of School of Social Welfare Five-Year Review Committee, University of Kansas
Member - Faculty-Nominated, Provost Appointment

Benchmark Chairs Working Group, University of Kansas
Selected Member
2022 – 

Academic Program Coordinating Committee
Member – Provost
Appointment 2021 –

Committee on Statewide General Education Core, University of Kansas
Member – Provost
Appointment 2020

Task Force on Community-Responsive Public Safety, University of Kansas
Member – Chancellor Appointment
Executive Committee – Chair Appointment

Academic Portfolio Review and Academic Efficiency & Productivity Analysis
School of Social Welfare Representative

Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies Field Trip Working Group
Faculty Senate Executive Committee
Appointment 2019 – 2020

Faculty Senate Committee on Standards and Procedures for Promotion and Tenure
Selected Member
2017 – 2020
Chair – Faculty Senate Executive Committee Appointment
2018 – 2019

School of Social Welfare Dean Search Committee,
University of Kansas Member – Provost Appointment
2016 – 2017


Behavioral Health Court, Lawrence, KS
2017 – 2020

Douglas County District Attorney’s Women’s Diversion Program
2019 – 2020

Coalition for Homeless Concerns, Lawrence, KS
2013 – 2019
2015 – 2016

Mobile Crisis Teams, Lawrence Kansas Police Department, Bert Nash Community Mental Health Center; Lawrence,
KS Consultant

Philadelphia Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Coalition: Program and Curriculum Committees
2006 – 2007


External Promotion & Tenure Reviews
University of Arkansas School of Social Work – 2021
University at Buffalo School of Social Work, Buffalo, NY – 2019
Wichita State University Department of Psychology, Wichita, KS – 2019

CSWE Annual Program Meeting Proposal Reviewer
Health track – 2019
Criminal and Juvenile Justice track – 2017, 2020

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of the United States Attorneys 
Consulting Expert: Parole Release Decision Making with Individuals who have a Mental Illness  
2017 – 2019 


Editorial Board Member 
BMC Psychiatry 
2022 –  

Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia Proposal Reviewer 
Foundation La Marató de TV3 – Mental Health 

Swiss National Science Foundation Proposal Reviewer
Special call on coronaviruses
Project funding in biology and medicine (Division III)