Briana McGeough

Briana McGeough
  • Assistant Professor

Contact Info

325 Green Hall


Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley


Understanding and intervening on mental health disparities experienced by sexual minority individuals, particularly disparities in depression and alcohol use disorders.

Selected Publications

McGeough, B. L., & Sterzing, P. R. (2018). A Systematic Review of Family Victimization Experiences Among Sexual Minority Youth. [Journal Articles]. The Journal of Primary Prevention, 39(5), 491–528.

Sterzing, P. R., Gartner, R. E., & McGeough, B. L. (2018). Conducting Anonymous, Incentivized, Online Surveys With Sexual and Gender Minority Adolescents: Lessons Learned From a National Polyvictimization Study. [Journal Articles]. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33(5), 740–761. 5

Sterzing, P. R., Ratliff, G. A., Gartner, R. E., McGeough, B. L., & Johnson, K. C. (2017). Social Ecological Correlates of Polyvictimization among a National Sample of Transgender, Genderqueer, and Cisgender Sexual Minority Adolescents. [Journal Articles]. Child Abuse & Neglect, 67, 1–12.

Sterzing, P. R., Gartner, R. E., Goldbach, T. J., McGeough, B. L., Ratliff, G. A., & Johnson, K. C. (2017). Polyvictimization prevalence rates for sexual and gender minority adolescents: Breaking down the silos of victimization research [Journal Articles]. Psychology of Violence. Published.