Carrie Smart

- Doctoral Student
- Graduate Research Assistant
Contact Info
Biography —
Carrie is a doctoral student with nearly 20 years of experience as a domestic violence victim advocate, administrator and trainer, with a special focus on creating trauma-informed cultures of care. Her scholarly interests include evaluating the fidelity with which the trauma-informed care (TIC) model is being implemented in settings where survivors of domestic violence/intimate partner violence are being served, through an intersectional lens. Other interests include examining contributing factors related to whether the model has been implemented with fidelity, how well the model is being used to address the relationship between worker wellness, vicarious trauma exposure, work culture and survivor outcomes in health/mental health and human service settings, and how TIC can improve health outcomes at the population level for survivors of trauma, as well as health/mental health equity. Her aim is to advance research in the area of trauma-informed care knowledge translation and implementation science that supports the adoption of evidence-based, anti-oppressive trauma-informed practices, and sustainability of the workforce.