Pegah Naemi Jimenez

Pegah Naemi Jimenez
  • Associate Researcher Senior

Contact Info

340 Green Hall


Dr. Pegah Naemi Jimenez (she/her) joins the School of Social Welfare as a Research Associate on two of the School's projects: Kansas Strong for Children and Families and the Fatherhood FIRE program. Dr. Naemi Jimenez holds a PhD in social psychology from KU and a master’s degree in psychology from California State University at Sacramento. Her most recent position was at the Center for Public Policy and Research where she designed and directed mixed method research and evaluation of social programs, including serving as Principal Investigator on two home visiting initiatives in Kansas and Missouri. In addition to possessing excellent research skills, Dr. Naemi Jimenez holds a very strong commitment to racial equity and social justice and has worked collaboratively with colleagues to develop and facilitate multiple workshops and events. Dr. Naemi Jimenez brings a wealth of research experiences and expertise as well as a marked alignment with the School's anti-racism/anti-oppression work.



Ph.D. in Social Psychology, University of Kansas


Mixed method research and evaluation of social programs; racial equity and social justice.