2024 Dean’s Recognition of Staff Excellence awarded to Vanessa Sanburn, Annie Handshy

In recognition of demonstrated commitment, teamwork, innovation, and outstanding service to the KU School of Social Welfare, Vanessa Sanburn and Annie Handshy are honored with the 2024 Dean’s Recognition of Staff Excellence.
The award celebrates staff members who have demonstrated commitment, teamwork, innovation, and outstanding service to the KU School of Social Welfare.
Sanburn and Handshy’s commitment to the school’s well-being was evident as they provided guidance and responsiveness to help navigate challenges during the school year.
Vanessa Sanburn, KU School of Social Welfare

Vanessa Sanburn was recognized for her work as the School’s first student support coordinator. In that role, Sanburn supported well-being and success by connecting students with campus and community resources, meeting with students, and developing wellness programs.
Sanburn served as student support coordinator from July 2023 to June 2024 and is currently an associate director of practicum education.
One of Sanburn’s nominators for the staff award shared:
“Two of the Toni Johnson Scholars have shared in detail how Vanessa was instrumental during their difficult times. One of the scholars has mentioned multiple times that Vanessa was the primary reason they were able to stay in the program.
“They have expressed deep gratitude for her support and have, in many instances, recommended her services to other students in need. Vanessa's compassionate approach and her genuine desire to help have made a significant positive difference in the lives of the students she serves.”
Annie Handshy, KU Facilities Planning & Development

Annie Handshy was recognized for leading the School of Social Welfare’s move from Twente Hall to Green Hall on the KU Lawrence Campus. Handshy is a project manager and architect with KU Facilities Planning & Development.
Handshy received the Dean’s Recognition of Supporting Staff Excellence, for staff from the greater University of Kansas community who support the School of Social Welfare.
One of Handshy’s nominators for the award shared:
“During all of our move planning to go to Green Hall, Annie has been responsive and exceptionally helpful while we make adjustments and request options. She has served as a liaison between SSW and all of the work being done to get things set up for our new space.