Affiliates of the Center for LGBTQ+ Research & Advocacy
Tyler M. Argüello, Ph.D., DCSW (he/él) studies the production and stakes of (social) identities and health inequities through everyday communicative practices in our modern life, namely LGBTQIA2NPK+ identities and HIV respectively. This focus privileges meanings produced at the intersectional negotiations of discourses, the lived experiences of marginalized persons, and elite professionals, including social workers. Theoretically and methodologically, most often, he deploys Queer Theory and Queer Discourse Studies to interrogate discourses.
Keywords: HIV, intergenerational trauma, Queer Discourse Studies, Social Semiotics, Critical Discourse Studies, LGBTQIA2+ Affirmative Practice
Brittanie Atteberry Ash (she/her/hers) is an assistant professor at the University of Texas at Arlington School of Social Work. Brittanie conducts research to better understand how best to support and build environments that are inclusive and affirming of and with LGBTQ+ people and communities. Her work relies heavily on an intersectional lens to deepen the discipline’s understanding of risk and resilience among people with marginalized identities. Brittanie also focuses on promoting social justice and inclusion within social work classroom experiences and identifies strategies for educators to more fully integrate a critical social justice lens into pedagogy.
Keywords: SOGIE, social justice, social work education
Michael Riquino (he/his/him) is an assistant professor at University of Kansas School of Social Welfare. His research involves exploring the perspectives of individuals with marginalized identities who have experienced self-directed and societal harm, including self-injurious thoughts and behaviors, stigma, and discrimination; mixed methodologies; qualitative approaches; social work pedagogy.
Rebecca Baumler is a doctoral student studying communication at The University of Texas at Austin. Rebecca's research interests include queer and trans identity in interpersonal, intergroup, and organizational communication contexts.
Keywords: transgender; nonbinary; queer studies; critical quantitative methods; interpersonal communication; intergroup communication organizational communication
Melinda Chen Ph.D. (she/her) is an assistant professor in the Department of Women's and Gender Studies at the University of Oklahoma. Her research examines the intersections between anti-rape movements and related social justice activism, with particular interest in rape victim advocacy and de-colonial rape law. Her work is centered on supporting marginalized communities like BIPOC and 2SLGBTQIA+ people and realizing transformative justice in diverse communities. Dr. Chen holds a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies from the University of Kansas and a B.A. in Global Liberal Studies concentrating in Law, Ethics & Religion from New York University.
Keywords: sexual violence, rape, victim advocacy, queer of color critique, transnational feminisms, feminist ethnography, queer methodologies
Darren Cosgrove (they/he) uses arts-based methodologies and participatory action research to work in partnership with transgender and nonbinary communities to explore identity development, affirmation and social stigma. Upon joining Miami, Dr. Cosgrove launched the Queer Social Work Research Lab. The lab offers opportunities for students to work with scholars on research designed to improve social work services to LGBTQI+ people. Currently, the lab is hosting a multi-state photo-voice study focused on nonbinary community connectedness, and a national mixed-methods study examining trans and nonbinary affirming mental health services.
Keywords: Nonbinary wellness, participatory action research, arts-based research
Flint Hills Human Rights Project is a volunteer organization dedicated to serving the needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer folks in Manhattan, Kansas and the Flint Hills region of Kansas. The organization is led by its Board of Directors, who meet monthly. Members of the organization support the activities of FHHRP and enjoy connecting through social events, volunteering, and activism. Our primary mission is to ensure and promote the dignity, safety, equity, and liberation of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, intersex, queer, and questioning (LGBTTIQ) individuals in the Clay, Geary, Marshall, Morris, western Pottawatomie, Riley, western Wabaunsee and Washington counties of Kansas.
Keywords: Queer liberation, LGBTQ advocacy, Civil Rights, Community Organizing
Rey Flores, MA, LSW, (they/them/theirs) is a public health researcher at the University of Illinois Chicago, Department of Family and Community Medicine. Mx. Flores’ provides administrative and analytic support to the department focused on the prevention and treatment of cervical cancer in both local and international contexts. Additionally, they work to further research and knowledge about sexual and gender minority folks impacted by stigma, HIV, and their relation to their overall health. Keywords: HIV, sexual and gender minorities, stigma, cervical cancer
Braveheart Gillani (he/him/his), MSW is a queer, immigrant, transdisciplinary scholar who is seeking to contribute to conversations of identity, structural integrity and change. His work focuses on Queer health, healthy masculinity, dismantling of oppressive structures and innovative pedagogies. He is a system scientist and is a current Ph.D. student at the Mandel School of Applied Social Science at Case Western Reserve University.
Keywords: Queer, Healthy Masculinity, Caring, System Dynamics, AntiRacist
Jacob Goffnett, Ph.D. (hey/they) is an assistant professor in the School of Social Work at Virginia Commonwealth University. Jacob’s research uses a bio-psychosocial framework to explore the etiology of behavioral health outcomes and inequities for sexual and gender minority youth. Jacob is currently investigating emotions & related processes as mechanisms connecting discrimination and victimization to substance use, non-suicidal self-injury, disordered eating. Dr. Goffnett has 10 years of clinical social work practice with youth across different systems of care.
Keywords: youth; emotions; social determinants of health; mixed-methods research
Liz Hamor, Center of Daring (she/her) Center of Daring is a leadership coaching and consulting business that meshes leadership principles with principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Through these lenses and built on decades of collaborative experience, Center of Daring provides education, tools, and other supports to those ready to create cultures of courage within their organizations, businesses, churches and communities.
Keywords: Leadership, Coaching, Consulting, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Courage, LGBTQ
Shanna K. Kattari, Ph.D., MEd, CSE, ACS (they/them) is an associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Social Work, the Department of Women and Gender Studies (by courtesy), and director of the [Sexuality|Relationships|Gender] Research Collective. A White, Jewish, nonbinary, disabled, chronically ill, neurodivergent, middle-class queer fat Femme, their practice and community background is as a board-certified sexologist, certified sexuality educator, and social justice advocate. Dr. Kattari’s extant research focuses on sexuality and sexual health; disability and ableism; and queer and trans-affirming health care.
Keywords: sexuality; health; transgender; gender diverse; nonbinary; queer; disability, mixed methods; arts-based; discrimination; affirmation
LB Klein (they/she) is an assistant professor in the Sandra Rosenbaum School of Social Work and core faculty member of the Sexual Violence Research Initiative at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Klein uses mixed methods, intersectional, and community participatory approaches to study the systems within which minoritized youth and young adults experience interpersonal violence and re-victimization in order to develop interventions to prevent that violence and re-victimization. Their recent research focuses on preventing and responding to sexual and intimate partner violence experienced by LGBTQ+ college and university students and benchmarking campus violence prevention and survivor advocacy practices in the United States. They have worked in various capacities (e.g., survivor advocate, prevention educator, program director, evaluator, trainer, researcher, consultant) to prevent and respond to interpersonal violence for over 18 years.
Keywords: sexual assault, intimate partner violence, LGBTQ+, prevention, college & university campuses
Judith Leitch (she/they) uses her PhD in social work and her 15+ years of practice as a therapist to inform her work, which centers on reducing health and mental health disparities for people who identify as sexual and gender minority. Her practice-informed research program focuses on infusing the research world with the lived experiences of stakeholders, as well as ensuring that practice-focused research has clear translational pathways so that it can benefit people. Her current projects include research on trans joy and trans fulfillment and broader experiences related to sexual and gender minority identity.
Keywords: queer, transgender and gender nonconforming, minority-focused, therapeutic practice
Rachel Levitt (they/them) holds a PhD in American Studies and two graduate certificates: the first in Race and Social Justice and the second in Women Studies. They work at K-State's Social Transformation Studies Department where they teach courses on Queer Studies, Hate Crimes, Sexual and Gender Violence, Social Movements, and Legal Injustice. Off campus they do community organizing with the Flint Hills Human Rights Project where they work with other queer folks on behalf of our community to create progressive changes that make queer lives more livable, and oppose policies and practices that lessen our life chances. Keywords: Queer Studies; Hate Crimes; Violence; Social Movements; Queer Leadership; Feminism
Angela Matijczak (she/they) is a third year PhD student at the VCU School of Social Work. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the University of New Haven in 2017. Broadly, Angela’s research focuses on risk and protective factors for LGBTQ+ youth. They are particularly interested in the relationships between LGBTQ+ youth and their family members. Additionally, Angela is also interested in the role of pets in the lives of LGBTQ+ youth and how pets may be used to facilitate more identity-affirming relationships between LGBTQ+ youth and their caregivers.
Keywords: LGBTQ+ youth, family relationships, family affirmation, family rejection, human-animal interactions
Shawn Mendez's (she/they) research and teaching focus on the ways that race, sexuality, gender, class and other social locations are interrelated, negotiated, and context dependent. Her previous work has focused on the experiences of LGBTQ people of color as they navigate the racialized contexts of their neighborhoods, and the ways that LGQ parents teach their teenagers about race and queer culture. She teaches courses in queer and family sociology as well as women, gender, and sexuality studies.
Keywords: family studies, queer theory, qualitative research
Nicholas Ensley Mitchell (he/him) is a curriculum theorist whose scholarship focuses on the intersection of diversity and education, critical pedagogy, the complex ways in which individuals learn, and how knowledge, culture, and historical narratives are elevated into curriculum.
Keywords: curriculum theory, critical pedagogy, sexuality studies, public policy
Amanda L. Mollet (she/her/hers) is an assistant professor of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies in the Higher Education Administration program at the University of Kansas. Her research explores questions of equity and inclusion in higher education from individual, organizational, and ecological perspectives. Dr. Mollet primarily focuses on experiences of students, faculty, and staff with historically minoritized sexual and gender identities with a particular focus on asexuals' experiences.
Keywords: asexuality, LGBTQ, college students, higher education
Amy Nourie is a social work Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida with a specific interest in child welfare. Her research aims to capture the experiences of youth identifying as LGBTQ+ in foster care and upon aging out.
Keywords: LGBTQ+, child welfare, feminism, social welfare history, foster care
Jenny Pearson (she/her) is Professor of Sociology at Wichita State University. Her research explores the importance of social contexts such as schools and families for adolescent development and well-being, and her work is driven by an interest in how inequalities are reproduced within these institutions. Her research appears in Gender & Society, Journal of LGBT Youth, Journal of Youth and Adolescence, Sociological Perspectives, and Social Science Research, among others. Dr. Pearson serves as faculty advisor for the student organization Spectrum: LGBTQ & Allies and she collaborates with organizations on and off campus to make spaces and policies more inclusive and equitable.
Keywords: gender, sexualities, education, adolescent development, LGBTQ+ youth, quantitative research
University of Kansas - Center for Sexuality and Gender Diversity works to center Queer and Trans students in their work on The University of Kansas campus. Through their advocacy, connection, education, and wellness initiatives, they celebrate QT students and education everyone.
Keywords: LGBTQ, QT, intersectionality, collaboration, advocacy
Ryan Wade, PhD, MSW (he/him) is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. His interests include a broad focus on social determinants of health, structural and community-level racism, the racial patterning of sexual/social networks, and health disparities among LGBTQ+ communities of color. At present, Professor Wade is investigating a phenomenon known as Racialized Sexual Discrimination (RSD), or 'sexual racism,' as experienced by sexual minority men of color who use mobile apps and/or websites to seek intimate partners. His work examines the association between RSD and psychological wellbeing using a newly validated multidimensional scale of RSD.
Keywords: Race; discrimination; sexual minorities; sexual racism; mobile-apps; mental health
Steven Wang (he/him) is an Assistant Professor of Critical Media Studies at Lawrence Technological University. He studies media as the cultural and technological infrastructure for minority communities. He was trained in journalism and had experience coordinating organizational communication for community projects.
Keywords: media, mass communication, journalism, civic engagement, digital technology, queer studies
Nic M. Weststrate, University of Illinois Chicago (he/him/his) (PhD, University of Toronto) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and member of the Center for Research on Health and Aging at the University of Illinois Chicago. Nic studies positive aging within the LGBTQIA+ communities. Currently, he has been exploring the potential for intergenerational storytelling between LGBTQIA+ elders and youth to bolster their health, well-being, and psychosocial functioning, while also sustaining the LGBTQIA+ communities’ rich cultures and histories. In Nic’s community-engaged research, he partners with the Senior Services Program at the Center on Halsted and Pride Action Tank of the AIDS Foundation Chicago.
Keywords: LGBTQIA+ positive aging, psychosocial development, intergenerational relationships, intergenerational storytelling, cultural memory
Darren L. Whitfield (he/him/his) is an associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Social Work. Dr. Whitfield’s research interests include health and mental health disparities among lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) communities, biomedical HIV prevention among gay and bisexual men of color in the United States, and intersectional measurement development. His research is grounded in an intersectional framework, where he specifically examines the impact of intersectional identity on psychosocial, sociocultural, and structural factors associated with health and mental health outcomes of LGBTQ communities of color and biomedical HIV prevention among Black gay and bisexual men.
Keywords: HIV Prevention, LGBTQ people of color, mental health, intersectionality
Angie Wootton is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Welfare and Affiliated Faculty of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at the University at Albany, SUNY. Wootton’s mixed methods research focuses primarily on characterizing and seeking remedies to persistent mental health and behavioral health disparities in the LGBTQ+ community, primarily among sexual minority women, transgender and gender expansive people, and those experiencing multiple intersecting forms of stigma, discrimination, and exclusion based on sex, gender, sexuality, and other related characteristics and identities. This work takes a strengths, resilience, and trauma recovery focus to identify and promote pathways to holistic wellbeing for multiply marginalized LGBTQ+ people, especially uplifting forms of LGBTQ+ community support, peer mental health support, and mutual aid. Wootton’s teaching and practice interests also include anti-oppressive social work practice, trauma-informed practice, motivational interviewing, liberatory harm reduction, social policy analysis, medical social work, and telehealth. Prior to working in academia, Wootton had a direct practice career as a case manager, counselor, and social worker in settings such as homeless shelters, transitional and permanent supported housing, community-based mental health programs, HIV/AIDS and LGBTQ organizations, and hospitals in California.
Keywords: behavioral health, resilience, strengths, social support, coping, intersectionality