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Center for Community Engagement & Collaboration

The Center for Community Engagement & Collaboration (CCEC) adds capacity to the School of Social Welfare's community engagement. CCEC advances our values and vision in community-university initiatives at KU.

About CCEC

CCEC promotes public scholarship from the School of Social Welfare, expanding the reach for important research. CCEC also represents the School of Social Welfare in crucial community-university alliances, bringing social work values and skills to this community-engaged work.

Upcoming CCEC Events

Community Engagement

CCEC adds capacity to the School’s community engagement and advances our values and vision in community-university initiatives at KU.

Community Engagement Partners

While the KU School of Social Welfare has always been deeply committed to developing and sustaining relationships with communities, CCEC adds capacity to these efforts. CCEC provides an additional pathway through which community members experience the School, and ensures that social work values and our School's vision are represented in community-university initiatives at KU.

CCEC's community engagement efforts prioritize Wyandotte County, a long-time School ally in research projects and practicum education, and rural Kansas, a crucial arena for strengths-based social work.

Identifying community both within and beyond the university, CCEC is the KU School of Social Welfare's liaison to:

Professor Rebeca Sandoval leads a community engagement session in Salina

Bringing KUSSW expertise to rural Kansas communities

Attendees at a continuing education event in Pittsburg

Partnering with organizations across Kansas

Public Scholarship

CCEC's public scholarship work connects researchers and communities for transformative engagement with the School's valuable research.

Commitment to Public Scholarship

CCEC helps build connections between KU School of Social Welfare researchers and communities through efforts including:

  • Publication of policy, practice and research briefs
  • Support for government relations and media appearances
  • Thought partnership and capacity-building for KUSSW scholars' innovative dissemination
  • Public events - both in-person and virtual - including Research Impact Talks and Grand Challenges panels
Joonmo Kang speaks during a panel discussion about the KU Common Book and the KU Libraries

Connecting social work scholarship to campus communities

Briana McGeough speaks during a panel discussion about sharing faculty research

Sharing triumphs and challenges of public scholarship

Stories from CCEC

Photo illustration of wooden family figures in front of law books and a gavel

Social work experts to present on family support, assessment

On March 25, the School hosts two free continuing education sessions at K-State Salina and online. The sessions are "Skillful Practice with High-Conflict Families" and "Assessing Family Well-Being."
Focus on 4s: Advancing Family Well-being through Data-Driven Interventions in Early Childhood Mental Health

Panel event centers around mental health of young children

On Feb. 25, Grand Challenges for Social Work panel “Focus on 4s: Advancing Family Well-Being Through Data-Driven Interventions in Early Childhood Mental Health” will be available for free on Zoom with prior registration.
Aerial view of the KU Lawrence campus

Spring research events address youth mental health, eco-social work, and occupational trauma

Three events this spring share research from the School of Social Welfare and its impact on practice and policy.
Fall color on the KU campus in 2023.

Social Welfare fall research events aim to facilitate important discussions

Research events cover self-care in election season, a pilot program to train social work students in supporting survivors of domestic violence, and faculty research on gender-affirming care.

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KU Social Work Research & Service

Learn more about research, service and community engagement at the KU School of Social Welfare.